Looking Ahead to May Author: The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Bishop's Blog 19 Apr 2023 Share Annual Catholic Appeal The Annual Catholic appeal will officially begin on May 3, 2023. I wish to share with you in today’s blog my thoughts on this year’s theme and share with you the introductory video beautifully produced by the Catholic Foundation. The theme of our 82nd Annual Catholic Appeal, “Do This in Memory of Me,” inspires us to keep the sacred mystery of our faith – the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist – at the center of how we live each moment of our lives. We are in the middle of a National Eucharistic Revival: an important opportunity for us to reconnect with our Savior, with the Church, and with our faith. What better time to rekindle a flame of hope across the Diocese of Fall River, by sharing the gifts our Lord has so lovingly bestowed upon us. Watch 2023 Catholic Appeal Introductory Videos in English, Portuguese, and Spanish: HERE Our modern world makes it very difficult to pass along the traditions and values we have shared as a Church for 2,000 years; this includes the practice of going to Mass. But it’s precisely because of these secular distractions that we must fight to uphold the teachings of our Catholic faith. Something as simple as gathering around a table and sharing a meal together binds us. This particular meal of the Eucharist, when we gather around the table of the Lord, promotes and brings about our unity in Jesus and with each other. By participating in the Liturgy, we gain the strength and the purpose to look outward and see the needs of the world around us. Thousands in our midst are crying out for healing, for caring, for assurance and hope. Each and every day, our diocesan programs and ministries help individuals and families receive the physical, emotional, and spiritual assistance necessary to grow closer to God and to each other. Additionally, in the past year Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Fall River established a much-needed Mental Health Ministry, providing education and awareness, and offering companionship for those affected by mental health issues and their loved ones. As a diocese, we are working to meet a need that has become quite literally, mission critical – reminding those struggling they are never alone. Our donations to the Appeal truly save lives. Each year at this time I ask for your support of the Catholic Appeal. Should your circumstances allow, please consider making a contribution of any size to help us carry out our mission. Let us unite our faith with our action by sharing the bread of life with all of God’s children. Transitional Diaconate On May 20th, Seminarian Bryan Bangs will be ordained as a Transitional Deacon for the Diocese of Fall River, on his way, God willing, to priestly ordination next June. Images: Seton Hall Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology (Facebook) Bryan, along with other members of his third theology class, at Seton Hall Immaculate Conception Seminary in New Jersey, signed the solemn Oath of Fidelity and made their Profession of Faith on Monday evening, April 17, 2023. As the Seminary shared in their Facebook post regarding this important event, “The solemn Oath of Fidelity and Profession of Faith is an important and necessary step prior to the ordination to the Transitional Diaconate. By signing these promises before God, Monsignor Gerry McCarren, our rector, and the seminary community, these men have made a public declaration of their faith and believe all that the Catholic Church teaches. They promise to be faithful to that teaching in their ministry as deacons.”Yours in Christ, Bishop da Cunha The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Categories In the News Press Releases and Statements Messages from The Bishop Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Previous Next Related Posts Bishop's Blog 30 Dec 2020 Moving Ahead and Looking Back This year let us make Christmas not just the celebration of an event that happened long ago and far away. Let us make it real for us now. Let … Read More In the News 26 Apr 2018 Diocese Launches 77th Annual Catholic Charities Appeal in May FALL RIVER — The Fall River Diocese will begin the 77th annual Catholic Charities Appeal in May with a theme of “Sharing Faith and Hope,” chosen to underscore the mission … Read More In the News 27 Apr 2022 81st Annual Catholic Appeal, Journeying Together in Faith and Love, Begins May 1 FALL RIVER—The 81st Annual Catholic Appeal of the Diocese of Fall River officially kicks off on Sunday, May 1 and runs through June 30. Since it first launched in 1942, … Read More