The call to holiness is a universal call, valid for all human beings without distraction of age, profession, race or language. Just as all are redeemed, so all are called. The vocation to holiness means putting into practice, in one's own daily life, the example and teaching of Jesus Christ St. John Paul II
The call to holiness is a universal call, valid for all human beings without distraction of age, profession, race or language. Just as all are redeemed, so all are called. The vocation to holiness means putting into practice, in one's own daily life, the example and teaching of Jesus Christ
In a world so full of noise and distractions, it seems to be increasingly difficult to hear Christ's call to priesthood and religious life. Our work focuses on providing parishes, schools, and other Catholic entities with resources to remind men, particularly young men, to listen intently and see if God is calling them for a vocation to the priesthood or other religious life. We organize an annual retreat for boys to discover what God is calling them to do in their lives. Gatherings through the year are hosted for men considering the call to priesthood. Discerning a vocation to religious life is not something that seems natural in today's world, and finding resources or like-minded people to talk to about it can be difficult. We are here as a resource for parishes, schools, families, and individuals as they seek to create and embrace a culture of vocations. There are many obstacles to discernment, and sometimes all someone needs is a supportive presence or a loving nudge in the right direction. Once someone is on the path to religious life, that support and guidance is ever more important. Our office provides support not just to those who may be discerning a vocation, but those who are in priestly formation in a seminary.
Bryan Bangs was born in 1997 and is the son of Robert and Joanne Bangs. He grew in a strong practicing Catholic home. He has two younger brothers and a younger sister Anna. Bryan is a very active member of Corpus Christi Church in East Sandwich, MA and has been greatly supported by others. Bryan attends Mass regularly. He was a past recipient of the Pope Pius X Award, taught faith formation at Corpus Christi, and active member of the parish's youth group, and participated for two years in Quo Vadis Days.
In May 2017, Bryan did briefly enter a religious order, Carmel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Powell Wyoming, but it was discerned he was not being called to religious life in that order
Over the years different people would encourage him to think about a calling to the priesthood. He began thinking about a possible vocation in his early teenage years, and though at first he was afraid of a possible vocation, gradually the sense of a calling increased and his embracing the possible calling grew, especially with the joyful example and encouragement of his pastor. He is particularly drawn to the beauty of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the idea that as a possible priest being an instrument of mercy for others fills him with joy. His sense of the vocation grew in particular through Eucharistic adoration and personal prayer. He is gifted at playing the piano and the organ. Bryan received bachelor's degree from Seton Hall University. Bryan has served at Santo Christo Church in Fall River and this summer at St. Thomas More Parish in Somerst, St. Louis deFrance Parish in Swansea, and St. Patrick's Parish in Somerset. He is entering second theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary in South Orange, New Jersey.
Lucas Daniel daCosta, son of Daniel and Fatima daCosta, grew up in New Bedford, MA and is a parishioner of St. Francis Xavier Church in Acushnet. He has one older sister. In seventh grade he began to go through a conversion and grew tremendously in his faith. He became very active in his parish and the thought that the Lord may be calling him to the priesthood grew throughout high school. Prayer has been very important to him and he has a love for the Church (especially a love for the Eucharist, Adoration, Confession, and Our Lady). After high school he spent a year in Portugal to work on his ability to speak Portuguese. The last four years he has been at Our Lady of Providence Seminary and studying at Providence College. This summer Lucas served at Santo Christo Parish in Fall River. This fall he is entering first theology at St. John's Seminary in Brighton, MA.