Launching Bishop da Cunha’s New Blog: Building Faith Author: The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Bishop's Blog 21 Oct 2019 Share This week, I would like to introduce my new blog, Building Faith. This blog is not only the fruit of the diocesan Rebuilding in Faith and Hope initiative but also a wonderful way to celebrate my fifth year as Bishop of Fall River. Installation Mass, September 24, 2014. ©The Anchor and Anchor Publishing In April 2017, I shared this story in my Rebuilding in Faith and Hope Pastoral Letter. Over two years later, now with a Strategic Plan, carefully developed by over 400 volunteers, I would like to launch my blog with this same sentiment of hope.Returning to the Sacristy after celebrating Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral, a woman approached me to ask a question. She said, “Bishop, I’ve been reading in the diocesan newspaper [The Anchor] about all the initiatives you are taking and the new people you’ve hired. Before, I felt worried about some of the challenges facing our Church, but now I’m feeling more hopeful than ever about the future of our Diocese. Is this real or am I dreaming?” I share this experience with you — in all humility — because it expresses exactly what I hope every priest, religious and layperson in our Diocese will feel someday soon: a profound sense of hope for the future! (Read Pastoral Letter here) It is my desire to utilize this weekly blog, which will post every Wednesday, to build community within our diocese, strengthen our faith, and share the many activities a Bishop is blessed to participate in. Bishop da Cunha offers a reflection during St. Pius X School’s Our Lady Aparecida Celebration on October 11, 2019 Celebrating Our Lady Aparecida at St. Pius X School As Bishop, I am pleased to be invited to participate in many events throughout the Fall River Diocese. On Friday, October 11, in honor of the Brazilian population on Cape Cod, the children of St. Pius X School hosted its second annual Our Lady Aparecida celebration. The staff and students of St. Pius X School shined acting out the apparition, singing songs in Portuguese, and offering a delicious spread of Brazilian food. I offered a short reflection, during which I reminded them of their responsibility to continue to tell the stories of our faith, so that their children and grandchildren, can share in the rich traditions of the Catholic church. I was also invited to present a flower and prayer to “a living statue” of Our Lady Aparecida. This student took her role so seriously, I questioned whether she blinked once during the entire flowers and prayers ceremony. Truly a wonderful way for the St. Pius X students to learn about another culture and come together to celebrate as a community. It was an honor to be invited to take part. Sincerely yours in Christ, Bishop da Cunha The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Categories In the News Press Releases and Statements Messages from The Bishop Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Previous Next Related Posts Bishop's Blog 25 Oct 2023 Celebrating Four Years of Building Faith On October 21, 2019, I published my first Building Faith blog entry. The blog began as a recommendation from the Rebuilding in Faith and Hope initiative and continues to provide … Read More Bishop's Blog 4 Nov 2020 Building Faith Anniversary In October 2019, I introduced my new Building Faith blog, which came as both a fruit of the diocesan Rebuilding in Faith and Hope initiative and a wonderful way to … Read More In the News 11 Apr 2017 For Easter, Bishop da Cunha Issues Pastoral Letter to Diocese FALL RIVER — Explaining its dual purpose to serve both as an expression of his gratitude and as an invitation to join him on “a journey that will lead to … Read More