Directives to be Followed in the Fall River Diocese in Response to the Coronavirus Author: The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. In the News 13 Mar 2020 Share Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Bishop of Fall River March 13, 2020 Following the World Health Organization’s declaration of the Covid-19 crisis as a pandemic and the declaration of a state of emergency in Massachusetts by Governor Charles D. Baker, many people have contacted us to express their concerns and ask what we, as a Church, are doing to help prevent the spread of this virus. As Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, it is my responsibility to “promote, regulate, and be vigilant over the liturgical life of his diocese” (General Roman Missal). The coronavirus is now part of our public life–our world, our country and our state. Even though, as of this date, there are no known cases of anyone infected by this virus in the territory of our Diocese, together we must call on faith and reason to be vigilant and proactive to prevent the spread of this virus. Following the guidance of public health officials, I have issued directives for the Catholic community of our Diocese. These will be updated as needed. I anticipate further communication next week detailing any additional steps we may need to take in response to this evolving situation. I am directing our priests, deacons, lay ministers and faithful to observe the following: As of today, March 13, 2020, we will continue the public celebration of daily and Sunday Masses, allowing our faithful to turn to prayer and faith in this difficult time; Those at particular risk by reason of age or underlying health conditions, or anyone who may be feeling ill, are excused from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. We encourage them to watch Mass on TV or via live streaming on the internet and to pray at home. Please visit for listings; During this time of public health concerns, we are temporarily suspending distribution of Communion of the Precious Blood of Christ with the chalice. Communion will be given only under the form of bread (Host) – except for those with Celiac disease who are already receiving Communion from a separate chalice; We are also directing that Communion be given only on the hand and not on the tongue; The Sign of Peace during the Mass is to be replaced by a moment of quiet prayer or by wishing peace without physical contact; Holy Water Fonts must be emptied, cleaned and remain empty; Non-essential gatherings in parishes such as dinners, lunches, and other social events should be postponed or canceled; Pastors should encourage parishioners to practice social distancing. The CDC recommendation is to keep a 6 to 10 foot distance between people; When gathering for liturgies and devotions, pastors and parishioners are urged to follow carefully the recommendations which were previously sent to all parishes; I would strongly recommend that each parish and school be diligent about keeping ALL areas sanitized and to reference the “Catholic Mutual …CARES” document for additional guidance. We are all invited to join in fervent prayer for those affected by this health crisis – those who have been infected by the virus, their families, caregivers and health providers. Access Directives document in pdf file format here Resources on the Coronavirus Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Massachusetts Department of Public Health Department of Homeland Security Catholic Mutual Backgrounder on Virus Preparedness WebMD: Epidemics, Pandemics & Outbreaks USCCB Statement on Catholic Response to Outbreak of Coronavirus (February 18, 2020) The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Categories In the News Press Releases and Statements Messages from The Bishop Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Previous Next Related Posts In the News 26 Mar 2020 Additional Directives Issued for Diocese in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak FALL RIVER—Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., has issued further directives addressing various aspects of liturgical and sacramental practices in parishes in the Fall River Diocese in the midst of … Read More In the News 13 Mar 2020 Diocese Responds to the Coronavirus Outbreak Updated February 14, 2022 The Diocese of Fall River has issued several statements in response to the coronavirus and shared resources as well. Please find below, in one place, a … Read More In the News 4 Mar 2020 A Message from Bishop da Cunha on the Coronavirus Wednesday, March 4, 2020 Like all of you, I continue to follow news about the spread of the coronavirus, COVID 19. The CDC states that for the general American public, … Read More